by Barbara Classen

Your German course 2023...

Are your loved ones asking what you would like for Christmas and you feel you have enough stuff and would rather get something immaterial, but enjoyable and beneficial for your German? Why don't you ask them for a Christmas Voucher. They can be purchased in Sterling for German Tuition and in Euros for Deutsch in Freiburg. Alternatively, make it your special present to a loved this year. They come in different design and formats...

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by Barbara Classen

On blogging...

Blogging has been the buzzword for quite a while. I have failed to write interesting articles for students of German on this page recently. However, I have made up for it...

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by Barbara Classen

Then and now - 25 years of German Tuition

This picture shows me with one of our first small classes in our beautiful attic near Old Street. We work differently now from how we worked then. However, some things have not changed...

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by Barbara Classen

Das deutsche Wort des Tages

When learning German the daily contact with the language is one of the key elements of success. I started the Facebook project "Das deutsche Wort des Tages" with the busy student in mind. 30-50 seconds allow you to just watch the video and pick up the main word. 3-5 minutes allow you to watch it over again and learn a few related words of the same post.

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by Barbara Classen

The "Ellenbogengruß" - German corona vocab

The world is changing and language is a reflection of those changes. As for German the Leibniz-Institut für Deutsche Sprache regularly updates an A-Z of corona related vocab, from Abstandslinie to Zoomfatigue. I hope you will enjoy reading my article on some of those new terms!

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by Barbara Classen

The best podcasts for students of German

Do you spend, like myself, too much time in front of a screen at the moment? I started to introduce short breaks in my working day listening to my favourite podcast Spanish with Vincente. And with sunshine I sit on my balcony. This inspired me to write my next blog on podcasts for students of German. I mailed my team and a few students. They came back with an eclectiv mix of ideas, of which I will present my highly subjective choice in the following article.

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